Student Services

Student Services addresses the well-being of students. This includes promoting students’ communication skills with teachers and peers, supporting students during transitions, and encouraging the development of a positive attitude toward school.
Student Services include the following areas:
Enrollment/placement and residency decisions
Student transfers (inter-district and intra-district)
School safety
Homebound instruction
Compulsory school attendance
Mediating K-12 school issues between schools families
School/community liaison
Student Service is a vital part of a successful, comprehensive school program.
Back To School:
Student Registration
Homebound Guidelines
Homebound Instruction Form
504 Plan
Contact CPS Student Services Team:
Michael Byrd, Deputy Superintendent - 501-843-3363 Ext. 1018 Email Me
Tina Seidel, Secretary of Student Services - 501-843-3363 Ext. 1012 Email Me
This is to inform the parents, teachers, guardians and school employees that the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Inspection and Management Plan for the Cabot Public Schools is located in the Administrative office of each campus and can be reviewed during normal business hours.