PRiDE Program
The Cabot School District provides a drug resistance program to students called PRiDE, Panthers Resisting Drugs Education program. This program replaces the former DARE program. The PRiDE program was developed by the Cabot School District Health and Wellness Coordinator, Kelly Spencer and the Cabot Police Officer and Cabot Schools Resource Officer, Officer Yvonne Kackley. This drug resistance curriculum educates students about the damaging effects of drugs and substance abuse.
The PRiDE program was developed based upon the findings of the 2011 Arkansas Prevention Needs Assessment data, tobacco, alcohol, and prescription drugs are the prevalent choices among teen users. Of those who decide to smoke, drink, or do drugs, they typically begin at the middle school age; therefore, this resistance program is to raise awareness of the dangers of drug use as well as equipping our students with the needed refusal skills to fight peer pressure.