Emergency Procedures
What types of emergencies might impact my child’s school and how will the school react?
Some of the types of emergencies we prepare for are: active shooters, bomb threats, fire, hazardous chemicals, missing students, intruders, and natural disasters such as earthquakes and tornados.
12-13-109 - Fire drills:
It shall be the duty of the Director of the Department of Arkansas State Police, his or her officers, and deputies to require teachers of public and private schools and all educational institutions to have one (1) fire drill each month and to keep all doors and exits unlocked during school hours.
What types of action do schools take in the event of an emergency?
The Cabot School District takes proactive measures to protect the safety of all our students and staff members. Cabot School District representatives work in close collaboration with outside emergency personnel to develop and maintain plans for coping with a variety of emergency response situations. School system personnel practice these drills on a regular basis. Actions taken during an emergency situation depend a great deal on the specifics of the incident. For example, some of the things may occur:
Schools may experience a Lockdown or Lockout. Classes may or may not continue, depending on the details of the incident.
Evacuation. The evacuation may be elsewhere on school grounds or to an alternate safe location.
Students may be dismissed on an early dismissal schedule.
In the event of an emergency at any Cabot School that results in the actions listed above, parents will be notified of details as soon as possible.
Parent’s role in School Emergency Preparedness
How can I help my child’s school prepare for emergency situations?
Notify school officials if you see any potentially dangerous situations/ persons at or near any school
Provide accurate contact information including persons authorized to pick up your child. Keep all registration information updated.
Talk to your children about what to do and how to contact you.
If your child has special needs, communicate this information with the school and provide the school with at least a 1 or 2 day supply of any medications needed.
Encourage your child to always tell a teacher or principal if they see or hear something that doesn’t look right.
Also remember: All campuses have strong visitor management systems in place. Be sure to bring your driver’s license or state issued ID if you plan to visit your child’s school.
What should parents do if an incident occurs at school?
Parents can help manage a crisis situation in the following ways:
Do: Be patient…Students will be released to their parents, guardians, or emergency contact persons as soon as possible.
Remain calm…. Do your best to cooperate with school and public safety officials.
Keep roads clear... If an incident occurs at a school, we ask that parents not go directly to the school. School is not automatically cancelled in emergency situations. Indeed, school may be the safest place for children to be during some emergency conditions. Be aware that traffic or parking congestion could hamper access of public safety vehicles.
Don’t: Call or text your child’s cell phone, the school, or 911. An excessive volume of calls or texts will actually clog communication lines and prevent emergency calls from going through. Perhaps worse, if your child is in hiding from a person who is a threat to them, your phone call may reveal your child’s location and expose them to further danger.
Information will be sent by the School District as soon as possible.