February School Board Recognition 2021
March 10, 2021

The February Cabot School Board meeting was filled with recognitions and praise for our district, programs, students, and board members!
Master Board Member Award
Congratulations to Cabot School Board Vice President Joe Trusty.
Mr. Trusty received the Master Board Member Award from the Arkansas School Boards Association for accumulating at least 50 hours of professional development training.
Purple Star School Citation
Cabot School Board President and Representative Brian Evans presented an Arkansas House of Representative Citation to the Cabot School District for being the first in Arkansas to be designated a Purple Star School.
We are extremely proud to be designated the first Purple Star School District in the state by the Arkansas State Council of the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission for our commitment to supporting and serving military children and their families.
Approximately 1,000 military children are enrolled in the Cabot School District. We appreciate the sacrifices our families make each and every day. The district is committed to serving students of our military heroes and supporting them both emotionally and academically.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month
Career and Technical Education, or CTE Month, takes place every February. This campaign celebrates the value of CTE and the accomplishment of these programs across the nation. CTE prepares students for high-wage and high-demanding careers in many different fields.

Nicole Gatewood, Coordinator of C/T and Stem Innovation shared information about the program with board members. The mission of our program is to prepare CTE students for college and career success and provide real world learning experiences.
Within our 13 programs which include, agriculture, auto technology, AFJROTC, broadcasting, business, computer coding, construction, criminal justice, Education Accelerated by Service & Technology (EAST), engineering, Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS), Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG), and our medical academy, we offer 23 program pathways and over 85 courses that help prepare students for their future.

CTE is available for 7-12th grade students. There are more than 6,000 seats filled in CTE classes across the district this year.
JROTC Programming
JROTC is proposing changes to its curriculum. Major (Retired) Sean Gibson, Senior Aerospace Science Instructor, AFJROTC at Cabot High School explained to board members this included adding a Drone Operations course, a Drill and Ceremonies class period, and a Ground School course. The Ground School course will teach and prepare students for the FAA Private Pilot ground certification tests. This course is a stepping stone to a career in aviation which is beginning to experience a decrease in qualified pilots due to retirement and career changes.

Major Gibson also shared amazing news! Out of 900 AFJROTC schools worldwide, Cabot High School has two of the 300 cadets selected for the AFJROTC Flight Academy this summer! The Flight Academy is an 8-week, approximately $25,000 course at one of a number of selected universities across the nation that will take students from zero experience to a Private Pilot license!
Congratulations to Cadet Ozbourn Melton for being selected to the AFJROTC Flight Academy and to Cadet Joshua McClanahan for being selected as an alternate!