Academic Awards

The Academic Awards Ceremony is scheduled in May each year.
Academic Award
Students are selected by their teachers for the highest academic performance in each subject area.
Dakota Hawkins Award
Students are selected by administrators for their perseverance, leadership, and positive attitude.
Presidential Award for Academic Excellence
8th grade students who have maintained a 3.5 grade point average both years at junior high and had high achievement in reading or math areas of standardized testing.
South Super Student
Students are nominated by at least three teachers for using their leadership skills and positive attitude to affect the school climate at CJHS.
Principal's Award
8th grade students who have maintained a 4.0 GPA both years at CJHS.
Perfect Attendance Award
Students who have not missed any classes for the school year. (The only exception is for an absence due to school-related activities.)
All A Honor Roll
Students who have received all A’s on their report cards this school year.
A/B Honor Roll
Students who have received all A/B's on their report cards. Students will receive this award during their classes.