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Students Provide Input on Freshman Academy

May 17, 2013

The Cabot Freshman Academy is set to open the fall of 2014 and our current junior high students were provided the opportunity to share their ideas about the transition to the academy. 

These students had just experienced three years in our junior high setting so we wanted their feedback regarding the school, programs, and additional ideas.

Needless to say, the students provided some great feedback regarding all of these areas. The junior high students visited Cabot High School and were able to hear about programming, lunches, dress code and more from Mrs. Sandage and Mr. Hawkins, administrators of Cabot High School. Additionally, the students returned to Cabot High School the following week and met with administrators in the fine arts building, ate lunch in the cafeteria, participated in a class change, and met with an upperclassman to ask questions about Cabot High School.

The recent trips to Cabot High School were informative for both the students and the district.   Thank you students for providing great feedback on your perception of junior high school to help with planning for the Cabot Freshman Academy as well as learning about the high school.


Junior High Shares Ideas on Freshman Academy

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The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

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