CPDA/On-Site Transition Announcement
December 18, 2020

Directions for students transitioning to and from CPDA at 2nd semester:
Over the past few months, we have received a number of requests from parents/guardians for students to move from an on-site learning environment to our completely remote Cabot Panther Digital Academy (CPDA). Unless there was a documented medical justification, we have held off making any transitions until the beginning of 2nd semester.
We have now reached that point in the year when we want to share the district-approved process for making a transition to or from CPDA for the 2nd semester. If you would like for your student to make the shift for the entire 2nd semester, we ask that you review the following information and act accordingly. If you do not want to make any shifts in the current learning environment of your student, then no actions are required.
The window for moving to or from CPDA for the 2nd Semester of the 2020-2021 school year will be open beginning 8:00 a.m. Monday, January 11, 2021 to Friday, January 29, 2021.
In order to make the transition from on-site to CPDA for the spring semester, a parent/guardian must complete the: CPDA Enrollment/Transfer Agreement during the open enrollment window. A representative from the student(s) home school will then schedule a visit (phone/virtual/face-to-face) between the parent/guardian and an administrator, counselor, or other personnel designated by building administration, to determine if CPDA placement is an appropriate learning environment for the student. Some considerations include: individual learning or emotional needs of the student, adequate internet access, current grades, level of participation in schools, commitment level of family, and any special services (IEP, Dyslexia, ELL, 504, G/T, etc.) the student may receive.
For students in grades 7-12, it will be necessary for a counselor to review the credit check sheet and the graduation requirements with students and parents/guardians. We want to make sure that any transition does not negatively impact the pathway to graduation, CTE Completer status, Graduation Honors, or NCAA eligibility. Prior to this meeting, the parents/guardians and student(s) should review the CPDA Expectations and/or Secondary CPDA Handbook. Furthermore, a parent/guardian and student(s) may be asked to sign a waiver and/or a Student Success Contract in order to make a transition to CPDA. Once that process is completed, the student’s assigned building will work on an appropriate schedule for the student.
It’s also important to note that the courses a student is currently taking on-site may not be available digitally. You can find the current courses offered digitally here. We also recognize that elective options for our CPDA students were limited during the first semester. With that in mind, we have worked to add the following additional courses for students grades 9-12.
In order to make the transition from CPDA to on-site learning for the spring semester, a parent/guardian must either contact Student Services for students in kindergarten through 6th grade, or their respective building administration for students in grades 7-12, with a written request and Return to Campus Letter of Acknowledgement.
It is important to note that we cannot guarantee a student transferring to CPDA will be placed in the same building/class as they would if they were on-site. In addition, we cannot guarantee that a student transferring from CPDA will be able to attend on-site learning at the previously attended school. Placement decisions will be made based upon spacing availability.