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Frequently Asked Questions — COVID-19 & Quarantine

November 11, 2020

We understand these are stressful times. It can be scary if your student is required to quarantine and we know you have many questions.

That is why we created this Frequently Asked Questions section regarding COVID-19 and Quarantines. We hope this will help alleviate some of your concerns. 

Of course, if you still have questions that are not answered below, information on who to contact is listed at the end of this section.

*Please understand, Cabot Public Schools is following the directives/guidelines set forth by the Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Department of Education's Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Several of these FAQ’s have been updated to reflect the ADH/ADE’s new guidelines on a shortened quarantine period. Please be sure to read #3 and #8.

Spanish Version


1. Why did I receive an automated message rather than a personal phone call?
It is based upon the situation, number of students, and time of day. Our automated system is the most effective way to communicate with parents. Once the initial calls are sent, we can then follow up with personal calls and more information.

2.  How was my child identified as a probable close contact?
As defined by the ADH/ADE in the AR Ready for Learning document on page 7, a probable close contact is identified as an individual that has likely been within 6 feet for 15 cumulative minutes or longer within a 24-hour period to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, during the infectious period.

3. How long will my child have to quarantine? - UPDATED!
In accordance with UPDATED requirements set forth by the Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Department of Education, probable close contacts are expected to self-quarantine immediately for up to 10 days from the last date of contact with the positive case.

  • Quarantine can end AFTER Day 10 (i.e. Return on Day 11) without testing and IF no symptoms have been reported during the daily monitoring.

  • Quarantine can end AFTER Day 7 (i.e. Return on Day 8) IF a close contact tests negative (“send-off” PCR but rapid acceptable) and IF no symptoms were reported during daily monitoring. The specimen may be collected no sooner than a full 5 days AFTER exposure, but quarantine cannot be discontinued earlier than after Day 7.

  • If at any time someone in quarantine as a close contact develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should immediately isolate and get tested for COVID-19 (even if they previously had a negative test during this quarantine). We emphasize that the above two options only apply to those who have NO SYMPTOMS.

Quarantine Chart For People With No Symptoms

4.  What is Quarantine?
A period of isolation, typically 14 days, related to exposure of a COVID positive individual. This is an important way to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Any individual directed to quarantine should remain at home and avoid all public activities, events and places.

5.  What is Isolation?
A period of time, typically 10 days, that you should avoid others due to being infectious. Any individual that is exhibiting Covid-like symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19 should remain at home and avoid all public activities, events and places.

6. How will I know the exact date my child can return to school?
Once we complete contact tracing, which can take 2-3 days, you will be contacted by phone from a member of our district COVID team. They will give you a tentative date your student can return to school. There will be another call towards the end of the expected quarantine period to make sure your child is not experiencing any symptoms and is healthy to return.

7.  I have more than one child. Will their siblings or my spouse and I need to quarantine as well? Are they now considered secondary contacts?
According to the ADH/ADE, only the student that is a close contact to the positive case will have to quarantine. Unless you, your spouse, or your other children show symptoms of COVID-19, you should continue with your normal routine.

8.  If my child is identified as a probable close contact, can they take a COVID test? If that test comes back negative can they return to school? UPDATED!
Yes. According to ADH/ADE, quarantine can end AFTER Day 7 (i.e. Return on Day 8) IF a close contact tests negative (“send-off” PCR but rapid acceptable) and IF no symptoms were reported during daily monitoring. The specimen may be collected no sooner than a full 5 days AFTER exposure, but quarantine cannot be discontinued earlier than after Day 7.

9.  If my child has symptoms and takes a Rapid (antigen) COVID Test that comes back negative, can they return to school?
No. The options for return include: 

• A minimum of 10 days have passed since symptoms appeared and/or positive COVID result  

AND fever free for 48 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medication

AND all other symptoms have improved

AND a clearance letter has been received from the Arkansas Department of Health (in positive cases)

OR ●   Physician documentation is received with an alternate diagnosis. CPS policy for “exclusion from school due to illness” will be followed for diagnosis.

OR ●   Negative COVID-19 test results are received and fever-free for 48 hours without fever-reducing medication. (Per ADH guidelines, rapid antigen tests with a negative result will not be accepted.)

10.  Now that my child is quarantined, how will they continue with their academics?
Students have been working in Google Classroom on their Chromebooks. The teacher has and will continue to upload videos and assignments in Google Classroom. If your child has trouble logging into their Google Classroom, email your child's teacher. If you have any questions, contact our Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction at

11.  What if my student's teacher has not been in contact with us?
Our staff directory can be found at If you have attempted to contact your teacher and they have not responded, please contact your building administrator.

12.  How concerned should I be that my child has been identified as a probable close contact?
It is important that you continue to monitor your child for any COVID-19 signs or symptoms. According to the ADH/ADE, symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. 

Symptoms can include:

• Fever (temperature over 100.4 Fahrenheit) or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea

13.  My child is struggling being in quarantine and missing school and activities, what should I do?
Please reach out to your building counselor as soon as possible and they will help assess their well-being. 

14.  If my child is in quarantine, what should they do about extracurricular activities?
We encourage them to reach out to their coach/sponsor and they will provide guidance.

15.  Where can I get documentation that my employer is requesting regarding my student's quarantine?
Please request a letter from our Director of Human Resources and Legal Affairs, Leila Seigrist. Her email is

16. My student has signs and symptoms this morning of COVID-19, who should I contact?
Please contact your school nurse.

17.  My student was sent home from school due to showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19, do I have to get them tested?
No, we cannot require you to test your child, but we do encourage you to get your student tested if he/she shows signs or symptoms. Please understand, your child will not be allowed to attend school if he/she continues to show signs and symptoms. Per ADH/ADE guidelines, rapid antigen tests with a negative result will not be accepted.

18.  Where can I get my child tested?
Here is a list of some testing sites in our area. 

Baptist Health Urgent Care – LIMITED TESTS PER DAY
Cabot, AR Open ⋅ Closes 8PM · (501) 628-9215

Baptist Health Urgent Care - LIMITED TESTS PER DAY
Jacksonville, AR Open ⋅ Closes 8PM · (501) 241-4510

AR Care-TeleHealth
Cabot High School Campus
501-843-3363 ext. 1212

AR Care
105 N. Jackson St Cabot, AR Open ⋅ Closes 7PM · (501) 941-3522

AR Care Cabot South
502 Richie RD Cabot, AR Open ⋅ Closes 5PM · (501) 941-0940

AR Care Cabot West
AR-5 Cabot, AR Open ⋅ Closes 5PM · (501) 941-1376

19. My student tested positive for COVID-19, what should I do now?
Contact your school nurse. Your child will need to remain at home. Our District Point of Contact will reach out to you to discuss your child's positive test result.

20. My student was tested, but we don't have results yet, what should I do?
Please do not send your student to school if he/she has taken a test and you are awaiting results.

21. My student tested positive for COVID-19, do I have to provide a negative test for my student to come back to school?
No, if the isolation period is complete and the student is symptom-free, they may return to school by providing the required ADH clearance letter.

22. Who will call me if my student has to quarantine due to being determined a probable close contact at the school?
Below is an explanation of our COVID-19 Communication process:

When a student or staff member is determined to be a probable close contact and may have been exposed to COVID-19, the parent or employee will receive a phone call from the district.

When Cabot Public Schools receives notification of a positive case of COVID-19 inside a school building, staff members, and parents in that school will be notified by email through the district's automated messaging system if there are probable close contacts within the school or the positive case is determined to have originated from school. The notification will take place at the end of the school day, but NOT before all direct contacts have been first notified.

When students or staff members are asked to quarantine, but there is NOT a confirmed positive COVID-19 case, an email notification is not required.

*Please remember, it is imperative that we have your correct phone numbers and email address in our system.

23. If someone in my household has a confirmed case of COVID-19 would I contact the school?
Please notify your school nurse.

24. If I am placed in quarantine for exposure to a positive COVID-19 case OUTSIDE of school. Who should I notify?
Contact your school nurse and principal. Remember, blended learning will continue through Google Classroom on Chromebooks.

25. If my student is in quarantine, will they still have access to free school meals?
Yes. Please contact our Director of Food Service Erin Wilkes at or to make arrangements.

26. What if I am quarantined and I do not have internet access to do my school work?
If your student qualifies for “free or reduced price meals" and you do not have internet access at home, call our Technology Department at 501-743-3503.

27.  Who can I contact if I still have questions?
*District Point of Contact Sarah McNally at 501-843-3363 ext. 1213 or email

*Nursing Coordinator Vonda Morgan at 501-843-3363 ext. 1206 or email


Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."