October School Board Recognition 2024
October 23, 2024

One of our amazing students and one of our outstanding teachers were recognized at the October 2024 Cabot School Board meeting.
Student Spotlight
Cullen Mareno, CFA
Cullen Mareno is a 9th grade student at the Cabot Freshman Academy. Cullen was celebrated for being an all-around great student. He has made a huge impact on faculty, staff, and the entire school culture. Known for his gracious spirit, positive attitude, and dedication to making things better for those around him, he is truly appreciated by all.

PLC Building Recognition
Jennifer Bryant, CFA

As a Special Education and LAB teacher at the Cabot Freshman Academy, Jennifer Bryant plays an integral role in shaping the success of her students. She works tirelessly with students facing behavioral challenges, providing unwavering support and guidance. Mrs. Bryant's dedication not only improves individual student outcomes but also fosters a positive and inclusive learning environment for everyone at CFA.
We are Panther Proud of Cullen and Mrs. Bryant!