School Board Run-Off Election Information
November 28, 2022

There will be a run-off election for School Board Zone 5 between Cabot School Board member Marvin Jones and Lia Bell.
Only registered voters living in Zone 5 will be able to vote in the run-off election.
Even if you did not vote in the general election and live in Zone 5, you can vote in the run-off election.
Here is a look at the School Board Zones.
Early Voting - November 29 - December 5th
Cabot Library, 909 West Main Street
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Early voting polls will not be open on Saturday or Sunday.
Election Day - Tuesday, December 6th
Cabot Library, 909 West Main Street
7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.