$222,400 in Academic Achievement Rewards Received by Cabot Schools
November 14, 2022

You may recall, the Cabot School District was honored to host Governor Asa Hutchinson at Mountain Springs Elementary as the community celebrated the financial awards of five of our schools back in March of 2022. The GRAND TOTAL from that year was over $167,000!
This year, the Cabot School District is extremely proud of our students, teachers, and staff for recently being awarded $222,400 in Recognition Program Funds from the Arkansas Department of Education! That is an almost $50,000 increase from last year!
Five of our elementary schools received rewards for achieving high student performance and student academic growth.
Congratulations to the following schools:
Eastside Elementary: Top 6-10% in Performance - $28,150 and Top 6-10% in Growth/Graduation $28,150 (Total: $56,300)
Southside Elementary: Top 6-10% in Performance - $24,800
Stagecoach Elementary: Top 5% in Growth/Graduation - $47,600
Ward Central Elementary: Top 5% in Growth/Graduation - $41,200
Westside Elementary: Top 6-10% in Performance - $17,500 and Top 5% in Growth/Graduation - $35,000 (Total: $52,500)
All together, these five schools earned a GRAND TOTAL of $222,400 for their student performance and growth on assessments last year!
We applaud our students and staff at Eastside Elementary, Southside Elementary, Stagecoach Elementary, Ward Central Elementary, and Westside Elementary for this great achievement. This is a tremendous acknowledgement to all their hard work and dedication.
So far, the Cabot School District has received more than $1.8 MILLION dollars in financial awards through the Arkansas School Recognition Program.
The Cabot School District recognizes each and every one of our buildings worked diligently to ensure the overall success of their students. We celebrate these schools for this recognition; as the district continues to celebrate all of our campuses for the work they accomplished last year.
A committee will determine how to use the funds. In the past, the district has focused on purchasing additional technology, educational equipment, and materials.