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Governor Celebrates Cabot Schools Academic Achievements

March 8, 2022

The Cabot School District was honored to host Governor Asa Hutchinson at Mountain Springs Elementary Friday, March 4, 2022.


Mountain Springs Elementary, as well as, Magness Creek Elementary, Stagecoach Elementary, Ward Central Elementary, and Westside Elementary received financial awards through the Arkansas School Recognition Program for achieving high student performance and high student academic growth.

Governor's Visit
Governor and Dr. Thurman


Top 6%-10% Performance Award
Magness Creek Elementary - $16,050.00
Mountain Springs Elementary - $23,650.00

Top 5% Growth/Grad
Stagecoach Elementary - $49,100.00
Westside Elementary - $32,900.00

Top 6%-10% Growth/Grad
Mountain Springs Elementary - $23,650.00
Ward Central Elementary - $21,800.00

GRAND TOTAL: $167,150

Governor, Principals, Legislators, and School Board Members

So far, the Cabot School District has received more than $1.6 MILLION dollars in financial awards through the Arkansas School Recognition Program.


Thank you to everyone who celebrated with the district including State Senator Ricky Hill, State Representative Brian Evans, Cabot School Board members Pam Clem, Dr. James Hertzog, and Kevin Tipton, as well as several members of the Governor's staff, and Gary Newton with Arkansas Learns.


Also, a special thank you to Cabot Cheer for helping entertain the students and to the staff at Mountain Springs Elementary for hosting the schoolwide assembly.  

We are Panther Proud of our students and staff!





Governor's Visit 2022 Cont.2

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."