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Identification of gifted and talented students in the Cabot School District is an ongoing process extending from grades K-12, serving at least 5% of the student population. Written identification and placement procedures for the G/T program are available to all stakeholders. As pursuant with state rules and regulations, a public announcement is made notifying stakeholders of the nomination process. Nominations are accepted from stakeholders such as parents, school personnel, community members, peers, or by self-nomination. Once a student has been nominated, data is collected in a non-discriminatory manner. Placement is made by a committee consisting of, but not limited to, a G/T Specialist, a counselor, classroom teachers, and the Director of Gifted/AP Programs. Identification procedures are uniformly implemented across the district. Once a student is identified, records of placement are kept on file for five (5) years post graduation.

 The first stage of identification in the nine K-4 elementary schools and two 5-6 middle schools consists of gathering subjective and objective data. Through observations during G/T whole group enrichment (K-1), the G/T Specialist and classroom teacher discuss information to be placed on the Kingore Observation Inventory checklist. During flexible groups (K-4), information is gathered and kept in anecdotal form by the classroom teacher and G/T Specialist. Objective data, such as current standardized achievement tests, formative assessments, and norm-referenced tests are also documented.

At the conclusion of first grade, formal identification begins with a pre-referral conference in which the classroom teacher and the G/T Specialist review information gathered since kindergarten. Once student data has been reviewed, recommendations are made for additional testing and possible placement in the gifted program. At this time, stakeholders may also recommend students for testing. Parents must give written permission before G/T testing can be administered.

 Objective information collected, beginning at the end of first grade, consists of augmented state assessments, the Otis Lennon School Abilities Test, 8th Edition, and the Williams Test of Creativity, Exercise in Divergent Thinking. Additional data may also be collected from the Slosson Intelligence Test, Revised and the Kuhlmann-Anderson Tests, 8th Edition. Subjective information is gathered via the Renzulli Hartman Rating Scale, the Kingore Observation Inventory, classroom grades, and anecdotal records of the G/T specialist and classroom teachers.

 Once objective information is gathered from testing and subjective information has been quantified, placement meetings are held. The placement committee will be comprised of classroom teachers, a counselor, a G/T Specialist, and the Director of Gifted/AP Programs. Students are identified using a blind identification process. No single criterion or cut-off score is used to include or exclude a student. Parents and teachers are notified by letter of the decisions of the placement committee. Staffing forms are completed which provide justification for placement/non-placement of students in the gifted program. A parent/guardian must give written permission before a student may be placed in the gifted program. A student review is completed each year which provides documentation for continuation of gifted services.

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."