CFA Supply List
Core Subjects/Required Electives (Math, Science, History, English, Keystone, PC, Health)
Notebook with @ least 5 dividers or 3 subject spiral notebooks(history)
Pens- black or blue only
Highlighters @ least 3 colors
Colored pencils
Post It Notes
1 package of 3x5 notecards
Earbuds for use with chromebook (no bluetooth)
1 in binder (for science) with 5 dividers
1 subject notebook
Markers (optional)
Composition Notebook
Specialty Subjects
Art History
3 prong folder
Lined paper
Pack of pencils
Pencil sharpener
Color pencils
Glue sticks
Pack of Cap Erasers
You will be able to keep these supplies with you so that you can use them in other classes as needed.
Art 1 and 3
$25 Supply Fee
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
Varsity Forensics
CFA will supply BNB materials of black cardstock and page protectors. BNBs will be available for purchase at $5 each. Supplies you need to purchase other than mentioned in the general supplies above:
Highlighters (4 different colors)
Two black Sharpie markers
Hole punch
A couple of glue sticks
Sticky notes
Debate 1
Highlighters (4 different colors)
Pens (G2s preferred or any pen that’s easy to write with.)
Sticky Notes
3 legal pads full size
Pack of legal paper (any color) 8.5 x 11
Kitchen timer
The following items are for online debate competitions and are recommended, but these items are in NO WAY required.
- Gamer headset
- Wireless mouse
- Ring light for laptop camera
$20 supply fee - Will pay when school starts
1 pair of ANSI Z87.1-2015 safety glasses, clear lense only
Foreign Language
1 pocket folder w/prongs
1 spiral notebook with pocket inside
Headphones with microphone (optional)- must be compatible with Chromebook (no bluetooth)
Composition notebook