Project Panthers: Two New Pre-K Centers

Two New Pre-K Centers:
These two new Pre-K facilities are so important to our district and our community. These facilities will not only free up needed classroom space in our elementary schools, but also provide the opportunity for our pre-k program to expand.
April 2024 Update:
Project Panthers is Moving Forward! Site work on PK-North and PK-South are in progress! Here are the latest renderings and drone footage of both sites.
Drone footage of the Pre-K North site.
As part of the PK-South project, Panther Trail from Junior High South past the new PK location will be closed immediately following the last day of school.
A new parent drop-off lane along with roundabouts will be added to this area to facilitate more efficient traffic flow. Below is drone footage of Pre-K South.
June 2023 Update:
District leaders met on Thursday, June 15, 2023 with our architect and engineering firm to discuss design plans. One of the centers will be located in the south area of our district with the other located in the north area of our district. Both of our Pre-K Centers will have community safe rooms that will be open to the public after school hours.
Construction is expected to begin in early 2024 with an estimated opening during the 2025-2026 school year.

*Please Note - This is a rendering or initial concept of the pre-k centers. This is not the final design.