"Red and White Day"
October 8, 2014

Cabot, AR – It's an exciting time for the Cabot Public School District. This week we're celebrating Homecoming and as always we appreciate the support of our wonderful community.
We would love for every business and community member to show their Panther Pride this Friday by displaying and/or wearing “Red and White.”
Our students and staff will be joining in on the fun and we'd love for this to be a community wide celebration.
Our Homecoming Parade will also take place Friday. The parade will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the intersection of Panther Trail and Hwy 89 and proceed down Hwy 89 and end at Pond St.
In case of rain, the parade will NOT be rescheduled. If the parade is cancelled the announcement will be posted on the High School Marquis, on our website www.cabotschools.org, twitter @cabotsd and Facebook pages www.facebook/CabotPublicSchoolDistrict.
The Cabot Panthers will battle the West Memphis Blue Devils at Panther Stadium at 7:00 p.m.