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First Electric gives safety tips to students

April 10, 2012

Making Accidents Disappear is an educational and entertaining program that teaches children across America the importance of electrical safety. The 40-minute school assembly program, sponsored by several electric cooperatives nationwide, uses audience participation, comedy, stories, and magic to communicate the importance of behaving safely around electricity.


The program was originally pioneered in cooperation with The Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas. Now, electric cooperatives in over 15 states bring the program to the schools in their coverage area.


Because accidents, not diseases, are the number one killer of children in America, Making Accidents Disappear is a powerful tool that helps parents, teachers, and industry combat these otherwise needless tragedies. Unlike so many other causes of childhood death, accident related death is the one that is most preventable with proper education. And, using fun magic tricks and illusions to seize the children's attention proves the most effective method for insuring that this important message sinks in.

The goal of the Making Accidents Disappear program is to communicate to children the following themes:

1. Just like a hammer or a saw, electricity is a tool. When handled
foolishly electricity can be dangerous and even deadly.

2. Never climb trees or fly kites near power-lines.

3. Never stick anything other than a plug into an electrical outlet.

4. Never use anything electric in or around the bathtub.

5. Never touch a wire of any kind that you find on the ground when
you are playing outside. Instead, go find an adult and show it to them.

6. Don't plug in any electric cord that has become frayed or has exposed wires.

At the Junior High level First Electric held a high voltage safety demonstration.

Jerry Driskell, Safety & Loss Control Supervisor and Gary Dickson, Construction Inspector presented the demonstration to the students.


First Electric High Voltage Demonstration

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The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
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"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."