Kindergarteners Prepare For The 2014-2015 School Year
May 12, 2014

The Cabot School District offered several activities for preparing Kindergarten children and their parents for the upcoming school year. Kindergarten registration began April 14 and all parents who have not registered their children who will be 5 on or before August 1st, 2014 are encouraged to do so.
For more information on what to bring for registration call (501) 843-3363.
In addition, parents were invited and treated to a parent session with a panel of kindergarten teachers and parents on preparing their child to be successful in kindergarten and information about what children learn and do in kindergarten.
The last activity this spring to transition children into Kindergarten was a Open House held by school staff at each elementary school inviting children and their parents for an hour of activities to welcome and see their school.
Parents are encouraged to watch the Cabot website and other communications to stay tuned for updates and future August events.
First day of school is August 18th!