Spring Fling 2014
April 2, 2014

This years Spring Fling 5K & Kids' Fun Run was held March 22nd at the CHS track.
The Cabot School District and Cabot Cruisers partnered again hosting another great event with 400-5K entries and over 100 Kids' Fun Run entries.
Congratulations to the following staff wellness winners:
Top Male Runner: Matthew Sheets 19:34 (Teacher, Junior High South)
Top Female Runner: Holly Freeman 27:41 (Teacher, Junior High South)
Top Female Walker: Leann Carlisle (Central Administrative Office)
Team Champions Adult Division: Magness Creek Elementary
Team Champions Student Division: Central Elementary
All proceeds from this event will go to the Cabot School District Physical Education Program. Thank you to the Cabot Cruisers for their continued support of the Cabot School District!