My Daughter's Heart Dance Arrival Times
February 19, 2014

Due to the overwhelming success of the My Daughter's Heart Father/Daughter Dance and to provide the best experience for our guests, schools have been assigned arrival times for the event.
Please park in the large Cabot High School student parking lot on Lincoln Street. You will begin your evening by entering through the Panther Arena/Fine Arts Center entrance adjacent to the brick 'Panther' wall.
Notes will be sent home today with each girl attending the dance with their designated arrival times. Remember to bring your ticket to enter into the event!
Arrive at 5:30pm:
Eastside Elementary, Northside Elementary, Junior High North and Middle School North.
Arrive at 5:40pm:
Southside Elementary, Middle School South and Junior High South.
Arrive at 5:50pm:
Ward Central Elementary, Mountain Springs Elementary and Magness Creek Elementary.
Arrive at 6:00pm:
Central Elementary, Westside Elementary and Stagecoach Elementary.
For questions, please call Central Administrative Office at 501-843-3363.