Dancing With The Cabot Stars
December 11, 2012

Thursday, March 28, 2013
7:00 pm
Admission is $12.00
CHS Auditorium
- Chris Coleman & Tara Thurman
- Drew Glover & Ashley Petit- Leopoulos
- Skylar Bartlett & Casey Hanna
- Dr. Harold Jeffcoat & Sherri Jennings
- Ronnie & Jerri Tollett
- John & Paula Shirron
- Aaron Randolph & Dawn Verkler
Tickets are on sale and can be purchased at: CHS office, Central Administration Office, Priscilla's School of Dance, & Cabot Dance Academy. For more information call 843-3363 Ext. 1059
Click HERE to see the 2013 DWTCS Flyer
Dance Instructors: Priscilla Morris of Priscilla's School of Dance & Lisa Cotroneo of Cabot Dance Academy