K-12 Registration, Kindergarten Round-Up, Pre-K Registration, & School Choice Information
April 1, 2020

K-12 Registration
Parents/guardians who are interested in enrolling their K-12 student for the completion of the 2019-2020 school year, can still do so by clicking on the Student Registration icon at the top right of our district website, www.cabotschools.org.
Once you complete the pre-registration process online, please notify us by emailing frontdesk@cabotschools.org. Due to the current health situation, we are no longer finalizing the process in person. A district registrar will contact you to complete registration.
For parents/guardians who would like to register their students for 2020-2021 school year, registration for the next school year will be announced at a later date. Please do not try to go online and register. That is ONLY for this current school year.
Kindergarten Round-Up - UPDATED
Cabot Public Schools is proud to announce “Kindergarten Roundup” for the 2020-2021 school year! You can pre-register online now. Telephone appointments will begin Monday, May 11th.
Due to the current health situation, all registration will take place online. There will be no in-person meetings.
*Children who will turn five (5) years of age on or before August 1, 2020 should be enrolled.
*If you are a parent of a current Cabot Public Schools Pre-K student, you DO NOT pre-register online for kindergarten. A district registrar will contact you by phone to verify your information.
Pre-K Registration
Online Pre-K registration for the 2020-2021 school year remains active, however, appointments are not being scheduled to collect the required documents at this time.
Parents/guardians can choose to email scanned documents to Pre-K Director Lori Bridges – lori.bridges@cps.k12.ar.us, Fax # 501-941-2612, or documents can be mailed to our Pre-K Department.
Attention: Pre-K Department
602 North Lincoln
Cabot, AR 72023
If you are unable to provide copies right now, please don't worry, you may wait to turn the required documents in when appointments open back up.
School Choice
The deadline for School Choice applications is May 1, 2020. Click HERE for an application.
Please email us your application at frontdesk@cabotschools.org.
Or you can mail it to:
Attention: School Choice Application
Cabot Public Schools
602 North Lincoln Street
Cabot, AR 72023
**School Choice applications MUST be POSTMARKED by May 1, 2020
If you have any questions regarding K-12 registration, Pre-K Registration, or School Choice, please call 501-843-3363.