Proposed Random Drug Testing - Parent/Community Feedback Survey
June 11, 2012

Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey to be considered for students at Cabot High School who participate in extracurricular activities or have a parking permit.
If this draft policy were approved, students would be subject to random drug testing of illegal drugs and the misuse of prescription medications.
The panel reviewed existing random drug screening policies from the Fayetteville, Batesville, Bryant, Benton, Hot Springs Lakeside, Beebe and Arkadelphia School Districts in advance of developing the policy currently under consideration for the Cabot School District.
The Cabot School District encourages parents and patrons of our district to review the proposed policy and complete the feedback survey. The survey will be open from Monday, June 11th through Monday, June 18th.
Press Release on Proposed Random Drug Testing
Click HERE for the DRAFT Mandatory Drug Testing Student Drug Testing Policy
Click HERE for the survey
Click HERE for Additional Information Regarding Random Drug Testing