Summer School For Rising 8th/9th Graders 2024
April 9, 2024
Summer School Dates:
Summer School for RISING 8th/9th Graders will be offered June 10, 2024 to June 21, 2024. The hours for Summer School will be M - Th 8:00 - 2:30 (Lunch Break - 11:00-11:30), and Friday 8:00 - 11:00. Classes will occur at Cabot High School in person.
Rising 9th Graders are eligible to enroll in Accelerated Courses as well. More information
concerning these courses are found below. P.E. Candidates will be directed to attend at one of
the CPS Athletic Facilities.
Deadline to Register is Monday, June 3, 2024
What is the curriculum for Summer School? Edmentum online learning will be the
curriculum used. Google Classroom will also be an online platform utilized during Summer
What is the Attendance Policy? Students must have access to the internet and their school
issued chromebook to participate. Students are expected to meet on-site for all classes with the
exception of P.E. and Health (depending upon enrollment).
What courses can I take for summer school? English and Math will be the courses
Health, PE, Computer Science, and Professional Communications are accelerated courses.
Students may choose to take two or more of these at the same time. Rising 9th Graders who will
be moving on to Cabot Freshman Academy are eligible for the Accelerated Courses.
What is the cost? Credit Recovery classes have no cost associated with them. Accelerated
courses will be $75.00 each, with the exception of Computer Science. Computer Science will be
free of charge.
How Do I Sign Up? A Google Form is live now for registration!
Grading Scale: 0-59% F, 60-69% D, 70-79% C, 80-89% B, 90-100% A