Kiwanis Awards CHS Seniors Scholarships 2023
May 26, 2023

Five Cabot High School seniors were awarded scholarships at the Cabot Kiwanis Scholarship Luncheon on Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
Congratulations to Logan Williams, Peyton Tokarz, Austin Robertson, Elsa Dunkin, and Kaitlyn Cochran.

Lane Whitaker Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 – Logan Williams

Lane Whitaker was a 1993 graduate of Cabot High School. He was a former Key Club President, and his grandfather was the Lieutenant Governor of the Kiwanis MO-ARK division. He died at the age of 23 on May, 15, 1993. His family gives a scholarship each year to a graduating senior in his memory.
Mike Flowers Scholarship - $1,000 - Peyton Tokarz

Mike Flowers was a distinguished member of the Kiwanis Club of Cabot for over 30 years. He served as club president, and held the highest office as MO-ARK Governor in 2000-2001. Like his wife, hewas a mentor and confidant to many and this scholarship is given to honor his memory.
Jim and Maxine Thompson Scholarship - $1,000 - Austin Robertson

Col. Jim Thompson and wife Maxine are longtime members of the Kiwanis Club of Cabot where they have served for over 40 years. Col. Thompson served as Club President, Lt. Governor, and then took on the Secretary/Treasurer position for more than 13 years. He has worked gracefully for the club and the children of our community by serving as Leadership Sponsor for K-Kids and endless community service events. This scholarship is given to honor Col. Jim and Maxine for their continued support and service to the club and more importantly the children of our community.
Betty Flowers Scholarship - $1,000 - Elsa Dunkin

Betty Flowers was a distinguished member of the Kiwanis Club of Cabot for over 30 years. She served as club president, district Lt. Governor and then held the highest office as MO-ARK Governor in 2013-2014 where “Flower Power” became her motto. Ms. Flowers had a passion for Kiwanis and the children of our community which was evident through her service with the Cabot Key Club. Her license plate read KIWANIS. She was heavily involved as Key Club Leadership Sponsor, Key Club District Leader for MO-ARK, and later Key Leader Sponsor. She was a mentor and confidant to many and this scholarship is given to honor her memory.
Mark and Liz Bartels - $1,000 - Kaitlyn Cochran

Mark Bartels is currently a Kiwanis member serving on the Board of Directors as well as a past club president. He and his wife Liz initiated this scholarship as a way of giving back to the community what two of their daughters received when they were Key Club members. Both of their girls were scholarship recipients and one went on to be a doctor and the other a lawyer. As parents, they were grateful to be spared some of the expenses that go along with higher education and chose to make an annual contribution to assist other families just like they were helped many years ago.
Thank you to the Cabot Kiwanis Club for always supporting our students.