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Military Recognition Day 2023

May 5, 2023

Congratulations to these 16 students who have enlisted with various branches of the military. They were sworn in and honored in front of family, friends, and classmates.

Military Signing

Two students also signed for the Naval Academy Preparatory School and the United States Air Force Preparatory schools. This included Kylie Bottoms and Brayden Gibson. Representatives from Senator John Boozman's and Congressman Rick Crawford's offices presented these students with their nominations (CMSgt Brian Rohauer, USAF (Retired) and Mrs. Sherri Mitchell.

Military Signing
Military Signing

Also, special thank you to Representative Brian Evans and Senator Ricky Hill for attending as well as our area recruiters. SMSgt Christopher Scott, USAF (Retired) welcome the crowd. Layla Blalack sang the National Anthem and Dr. Thurman also shared remarks. CMSgt Mickey Spillane, USAF (Retired) served as Keynote Speaker.

Congratulations to these outstanding students on your military career!

Military Signing

Kylie Bottoms, US Navy 1395 Naval Aviator
Brayden Gibson, US Air Force 11X - C-130 Pilot
Marcus Ambrose, US Navy LS - Logistics Specialist
Jacob Forte, US Navy AD - Aviation Machinists Mate
Cooper Dunham, US Air Force 1N031 - All Source Intelligence
Luke Wagnon, US Air Force 4N031-Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice
Seth Stark, US Army Reserve 12B - Combat Engineer
Hailey Drews, Arkansas Army National Guard 12B - Combat Engineer
Chloe Hale, Arkansas Army National Guard 15Q - Air Traffic Control Operator
Hunter Garriga, Arkansas Army National Guard 15T - UH-60 Blackhawk Repairer
Edward Jackson, Arkansas Army National Guard 88M - Motor Transport Operator
Christian Millican, Arkansas Army National Guard 68W - Combat Medic
Myles Tanner, Arkansas Army National Guard 12B - Combat Engineer
Leila Thorndike, Arkansas Army National Guard 68W - Combat Medic
Allin Whittenberg, Arkansas Army National Guard 12B - Combat Engineer
Logan Hurst, Arkansas Air National Guard 2T2X1 - Air Transportation

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."