Cabot Public Schools Teacher of the Year School Winners 2022-2023
May 1, 2023

Congratulations to our 17 Cabot Public Schools “Teacher of the Year” 2022-2023 School Winners! It was a great day surprising and celebrating these amazing educators!

Hundreds of teachers were nominated this year by supervisors, colleagues, parents, students, staff, and community members.

These teachers now have the opportunity to be selected as the Elementary, Mid-Level, and Secondary Teacher of the Year and one teacher will be chosen as the overall Cabot Public Schools "Teacher of the Year." That teacher will be eligible for the Arkansas Teacher of the Year.

Central Elementary - Liz Savage
Eastside Elementary - Laura Harris
Magness Creek Elementary - Diana Lujan
Mountain Springs Elementary - Kristi Altstock
Northside Elementary - Lisa Ralph
Southside Elementary - Kristy Cotillier
Stagecoach Elementary - Amanda Curtright
Ward Central Elementary - Melinda McFerron
Westside Elementary - Marideth Firman
Cabot Middle School North - Ginger LeQuieu
Cabot Middle School South - Kim Robertson
Cabot Junior High North - Kim Sullivan
Cabot Junior High South - Roy Brown
Cabot Freshman Academy - Becca Winslow
Cabot High School - Tammy Gately
CPA/ALE - Ashley Vann
Cabot Learning Academy - Toni Schiesz
All our Teacher of the Year recipients were honored with a plaque, banner, CTA gift, and monetary award from our sponsors, Centennial Bank, Cabot Panther Foundation, and the Cabot Classroom Teacher Association.

Congratulations teachers and thank you to our sponsors for investing in our Panther family!