Cabot Archery Aims for Top Spot at Invitational 2022
November 16, 2022

Cabot Archery Clubs ROCKED the Southwest Christian Academy Invitational on Saturday, November 12th, 2022. With nearly 80 archers participating from five campuses, CMSN (individual), CJHS, CJHN, CFA, and CHS the teams rallied in all categories!

Elementary Division:
It is hard to believe that our very own fifth grader, Abigail Hawkins, from CMSN, has no team, but continues to join her big sister, Samantha, at practices to shoot as an individual. Abigail shot 3D and brought home third place overall in the Elementary Division. She also shot her personal best on Bullseye at this tournament, shooting 256 points out of 300! She shot 16 bullseyes out of her 30 scored arrows! She shot more bullseyes than any other Cabot archer on Saturday! GO ABIGAIL!!! Crystal Hill Elementary took first place in the Elementary Division. We hope to encourage our elementaries, and middle schools to join in on the fun of archery.

Middle Division:
Both CJHN and CJHS participated in the Middle School Division, grades 6-8. Currently for our district, these two campuses are the starting point for the archery experience! Cabot Junior High North was able to hold on to first place scoring 2,937 points scored from the top 12 archers on the team. Second place went to Southside-Bee Branch, and third place went to Maumelle.
Junior High North’s team brought home 4 bullseye medals. Bullseye medals are awarded to archers shooting perfect 10’s on the target. Cache Hendrix(8th), Piper Brown (8th) and Avery Butts (8th) all shot 6 bullseyes, and Kaleb Eads(8th) shot 10 bullseyes.
Trophy winners for Girls Middle Level Division Bullseye:
2nd - Avery Butts (8): 257/300
3rd - Layla Foster (7): 252/300
4th - Piper Brown (8): 251/300
5th - Madelyn Jose (8): 236/300
Trophy winner for Boys Middle Level Division Bullseye:
5th - Kaleb Eads (8): 260/300
Congratulations to both junior high schools and all of the archers who competed!

Senior Division:
Our high school campuses, CFA and CHS, brought home FIRST place Bullseye Senior Division Team with an amazing 3,262 points scored by the top 12 archers on the team! Their goal this year is to bring home FIRST PLACE STATE and they are ON TARGET to do so! Second place team went to Sylvan Hills, and third place went to Parkview.
Trophy winners for Girls Senior Division Bullseye:
1st - Brooklyn Carmical 279/300 - 14 Bullseyes (medal) CFA (9)
2nd - Taylor Terrell 275/300 - 12 Bullseyes (medal) CHS (12)
3rd - Caitlyn Boyd-Febuary 274/300 - 11 Bullseyes (medal) CHS (11)
5th - PeyMae Williams 273/300 - 11 Bullseyes (medal) CHS (10)
Trophy winners for Boys Senior Division Bullseye:
1st - Seth Stark 283/300 - 15 Bullseyes (medal) CHS (12)
2nd - Hunter Patton 270/300 - 11 Bullseyes (medal) CFA (9)
3rd - Tyler Stephens 270/300 - 9 Bullseyes (medal) CHS (12)
4th - Aiden Copley 269/300 - 10 Bullseyes (medal) CFA (9)
Bullseye medal winners not listed above:
11 B/E’s - Alyssa Murray, 10 - Katelyn Hunt, GraceAnne Moore, 9 - Ginna Koehler, Tyler Stephens, 8 - Samantha Hawkins, Kayla Duke, Dalton Hughes

For the 3D competition, there are only three medals awarded, first, second and third place overall. Cabot GIRLS SWEPT IT!
1st: Alyssa Murray 289/300 CHS (10)
2nd: Taylor Terrell 283/300 CHS (12)
3rd: Brooklyn Carmical 282/300 CFA (9)
For the Junior Olympic Archery Development Competition (aka JOAD), archers can shoot compound, bare, or recurve bows. Cabot brought two of the three awards:
2nd: Brooklyn Carmical 269/300 CFA (9)
3rd: Tyler Stephens 264/300 CHS (12)
The Cabot Archery Program is supported through Cabot Public Schools Clubs. Each campus follows guidelines set forth by NASP, National Archery in the Schools Program, and locally by Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Archery in the Schools Programs. Campuses use fundraising events to maintain and grow the program, along with grants written and secured through AGFC and AEDC.
Barry Duncan, CHS
Jeff Shaver, CFA
Kelly Monroe, CJHN
Tim Hobbs, CJHS
Congratulations to all our students and coaches!