Cabot Varsity Forensics & Debate Dominate at LR Classic
November 8, 2022

Cabot Varsity Forensics and Debate had an incredible showing and a historically successful weekend recently at the Little Rock Classic Tournament.
Congratulations to our students and coaches!
Team and Special Awards
1st Place Overall Cumulative Sweepstakes
1st Place Overall Debate Sweepstakes
1st Place Overall Forensics Sweepstakes
Biggest Heart Award to the team who made the biggest donation for the charity donation at the tournament. Cabot Varsity Forensics and Debate made the largest donation in the history of the entire tournament. This donation is for the Little Rock Animal Village.

Champions in both Readers Theatre and Words and Music. These are the two group events offered and Cabot won both of them!
Alexis Childs - Senior Debater
Alexis won the inaugural Khyree Allison Excellence in Debate Award!
This was an award created in honor of Khyree who passed away in February 2021. This goes to a student who goes above and beyond with debate in their community.
Alexis also had the opportunity to donate $250 to a charity of her choice with this award; she donated to the Lonoke Safe Haven.
Forensics Awards
Dramatic Interpretation
Sophia Wylie - Sophomore - Champion - State Qualified
Emma Durham - Sophomore - 2nd Place - State Qualified
Hannah Smith - Sophomore - 3rd Place - State Qualified
Chloe Howard - Junior - 4th Place
Preston Hardister - Sophomore - 5th Place
Duet Improv
Karly Elliott and Brinkley Hill - Freshman - Champion - State Qualified
Piper Selah and Logan Williams - Seniors - 2nd Place - State Qualified
Spencer Tallon and Aubrey White - Sophomore and Senior - 3rd Place - State Qualified
Emily Armstrong and Kyler Webb - Juniors - 4th Place
Duo Interpretation
Logan Williams and Emma Durham - Senior and Sophomore - Champion - State Qualified
Aubrey White and Rylie Floyd - Seniors - 2nd Place
Beyla Eason and Jocelyn Vega - Junior and Senior - 5th Place
Blayton Montgomery and Spencer Tallon - Sophomores - 6th Place
Extemp Speaking
Brianna McCoy - Sophomore - 2nd Place
Brooke Boyer - Freshman - 5th Place
Humorous Interpretation
Michaela Baker - Sophomore - Champion - State Qualified
Maryrose Youngblood - Sophomore - 3rd Place - State Qualified
Logan James - Junior - 4th Place
Ryan James - Freshman - 5th Place
Emily Armstrong - Junior - Semifinalist
Collin Crain - Junior -Semifinalist
Will Vailes - Senior - Semifinalist
Dillon Coole - Sophomore - Semifinalist
Seagan De Olivera - Freshman - Semifinalist
Taeylyn Smith - Freshman - Semifinalist
Impromptu Speaking
Jocelyn Vega - Senior - Champion - State Qualified
Chloe Howard - Junior - 2nd Place - State Qualified
Emily Armstrong - Junior - 3rd Place - State Qualified
Will Vailes - Senior - 5th Place - State Qualified
Alle Rose Parker - Sophomore - 6th Place - State Qualified
Kyler Webb - Junior - Semifinalist
Audrey Crumpton - Freshman - Semifinalist
Charlotte Cromer - Sophomore - Semifinalist
Spencer Tallon - Sophomore - Semifinalist
Elektra Christopher - Freshman - Semifinalist
Calyn Mendoza - Freshman - Semifinalist
Informative Speaking
Brianna McCoy - Sophomore - 4th Place
Aida Higginbotham - Freshman - 6th Place
Original Oratory
Calyn Mendoza - Freshman - 2nd Place
Aubrey White - Senior - 3rd Place
Emily Armstrong - Junior - 4th Place
Iyla Still - Freshman - 5th Place
Original Scary Storytelling
Sophia Wylie - Sophomore - Champion
Poetry Interpretation
Emma Durham - Sophomore - Champion - State Qualified
Emily Armstrong - Junior - 2nd Place - State Qualified
Haleigh Hightower - Junior - 3rd Place - State Qualified
Logan Williams - Senior - 4th Place - State Qualified
Piper Selah - Senior - 6th Place - State Qualified
Chloe Howard - Junior - Semifinalist
Kyler Webb - Junior - Semifinalist
Olivia Coats - Junior - Semifinalist
Beyla Eason - Junior - Semifinalist
Rebecca Erdley - Freshman - Semifinalist
Aida Higginbotham - Freshman - Semifinalist
Kaitlyn Carmical - Freshman - Semifinalist
Program Oral Interpretation
Piper Selah - Senior - Champion - State Qualified
Logan James - Junior - 2nd Place - State Qualified
Kaitlyn Carmical - Freshman - 3rd Place - State Qualified
Brinkley Hill - Freshman - 4th Place
Olivia Coats - Junior - 5th Place
Mary Rose Youngblood - 6th Place
Rebecca Erdley - 7th Place
Prose Interpretation
Logan James - Junior - Champion - State Qualified
Olivia Coats - Junior - 3rd Place - State Qualified
Jocelyn Vega - Senior - 4th Place - State Qualified
Ryan James - Freshman - 5th Place - State Qualified
Hannah Smith - Sophomore - 6th Place - State Qualified
Chloe Howard - Junior - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Amber Marston - Senior - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Emma Durham - Sophomore - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Rylie Floyd - Senior - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Aubrey White - Senior - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Sophia Wylie - Sophomore - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Kaitlyn Carmical - Freshman - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Beyla Eason - Junior - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Emily Armstrong - Junior - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Aida Higginbotham - Freshman - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Logan Williams - Senior - Semifinalist - State Qualified
Logan Williams - Senior - Champion - State Qualified
Madi Doran - Freshman - 2nd Place - State Qualified
Karly Elliott - Freshman - 4th Place
Sophia Wylie - Sophomore - 5th Place
Taeylyn Smith - Freshman - Semifinalist
Charlotte Cromer - Sophomore -Semifinalist
Anjulie Bell - Freshman - Semifinalist
Debate Awards
Big Questions Debate
Patrick Gunter - Junior - 5th Place Speaker
Varsity Congressional Debate
Hayden Mittlestat - Sophomore - Finalist
Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate
Mattie Jimmerson - Freshman - Champion and 4th Place Speaker - State Qualified
Aidan Patten - Freshman - 3rd Place and 5th Speaker- State Qualified
Emmalee Clouse - Freshman - 3rd Place - State Qualified
Ava Davis - Freshman - Quarterfinalist
Evan Dimitro - Freshman - Quarterfinalist and 1st Speaker - State Qualified
Kyle Wallace - Freshman - Quarterfinalist
Cody Etter - Freshman - Quarterfinalist and 3rd Speaker - State Qualified
Varsity Lincoln Douglas Debate
Joelle Buckner - Junior - Champion and 1st Place Speaker - State Qualified
Jace Owens - Junior - 2nd Place - State Qualified
Remington Hicks - Junior - 3rd Place and 2nd Place Speaker- State Qualified
Sawyer Giese - Junior - 3rd Place and 6th Speaker- State Qualified
Alexis Childs - Senior and 4th Place Speaker - Quarterfinalist - State Qualified
Aurora Moran - Sophomore - Quarterfinalist
Tyler Phillips - Sophomore - Quarterfinalist and 3rd Speaker - State Qualified
Novice Public Forum Debate
Adam Stanisor and Nathan Armstrong - Freshman - Champions and 5th/1st Speakers - State Qualified
Dylan Cox and Tristin Rose - Freshman - 2nd Place and 2nd/3rd Speakers - State Qualified
Noah Hudson and Kinkade Dill - Freshman - Quarterfinals and Dill 3rd Speaker - Dill State Qualified
Varsity Public Forum Debate
Alayna Adineh Harat - Junior - 1st Place Speaker - State Qualified
Madison Wyatt - Senior - 3rd Place Speaker - State Qualified
Mariska Haddock and Vincent Rodriguez - Sophomores - 2nd Place and 5th/2nd Speaker - State Qualified
Policy Debate
Jeremy Jackson and Madelyn Veasman - Freshman - 2nd Place and 4th and 2nd Speakers
IPDA Debate
Madison Rivera - Sophomore - Champion and 2nd Place Speaker - State Qualified
Eli Crider - Sophomore - Quarterfinalist and 1st Place Speaker - State Qualified
Mark Warford - Junior - 3rd Place and 6th Place Speaker - State Qualified