CHS Designated Arkansas School of Innovation
October 11, 2022

Congratulations to our Cabot High School faculty and staff for being designated an Arkansas School of Innovation! Members of the CHS School of Innovation Designation Council recently accepted the recognition award on behalf of the entire staff and student body.
Cabot High School designated as a School of Innovation based on the commitment of all staff to transform teaching and learning and exploring new and creative ways to improve the academic performance of all students.
This a validation of what Cabot High School has been doing all along. The staff is focusing on the social and emotional well-being of students, the Next Steps of students after graduation, and they are focusing on making curriculum relevant to students and creating real-world opportunities.
According to the Office of Innovation, Schools of Innovation are “A creative alternative to the existing instructional and administrative practices. The primary purpose of Schools of Innovation is to improve learning for all students. Schools of Innovation have the flexibility to explore new and creative alternatives to existing instructional and administrative practices. Schools of Innovation bring together diverse stakeholders to plan, implement, and reflect to ensure academic success and learning for all.”
Watch: Learn more about Cabot High School's designation as a School of Innovation.
Due to the pandemic, this designation took nearly three years of hard work from Cabot High School administrators and we are Panther Proud of their dedication and perseverance. Faculty, staff, and students are to be commended. In fact, here is a video message from Governor Asa Hutchinson praising Cabot High School.
Congratulations CHS on being designated an Arkansas School of Innovation!