Cabot 2022 Homecoming Parade, Dance, & Spirit Week Details
September 16, 2022

Homecoming Parade
The 2022 Homecoming Parade will be held Friday, October 14th at 3:30 p.m. The district will dismiss early at 2:00 p.m. so everyone can enjoy the festivities.
Registration forms are now available and due to Cabot High School by Friday, October 7th by 3:30 p.m.
Forms and fees may be turned into the Cabot High School Front Office or mailed to:
Cabot High School
Attention: Parade
401 N. Lincoln Street
Cabot, AR 72023
Click HERE for Public Entry Form
Click HERE for School Entry Form
Click HERE for Parade Lineup
Cabot Homecoming Parade Route
The parade will begin at the intersection of Hwy 89 and Panther Trail and end at the intersection of Hwy 89 and Pond Street. You must turn left at Pond Street at the end of the parade. The police will not allow any parade participants to take another route once you’ve reached the intersection of Hwy 89 and Pond Street. For parents dropping off and picking up children who are participating in the parade, you must make arrangements with your organization’s float coordinator as to where to meet before and after the parade is over to get your child.

Bicycles, all-terrain vehicles and 18-wheel vehicles are not allowed in the parade. For safety reasons, candy may not be thrown from any float or given out by anyone accompanying an entry. A school administrator or Cabot police officer will immediately remove anyone throwing candy from the parade. All drivers must have a valid driver’s license.
In case of rain, the parade will NOT be rescheduled. Any announcement of parade cancellation will be posted on the High School Marquee and on the district website.
Finally, on behalf of the CHS Student Council, thank you for supporting the Cabot Community and the Cabot High School Panthers!
The Panthers will be playing the Littel Rock Central "Tigers."
If you have any questions, call Natasha Rowe at Cabot High School at 501-843-3562 or email
Homecoming Dance
Cabot High School is hosting a Homecoming Dance this year in the cafeteria immediately following the Homecoming Game. It will be from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. and will cost students $5.00. The theme is "Under the Sea". Students will be able to purchase tickets the week before the dance during both lunches in the cafeteria by the student exit. Tickets can also be purchased at the door. Sodas, water and snacks will also be available for students to purchase. Dress is casual but students are welcome to dress up in their best Homecoming attire. The dance is limited to Cabot High School and Cabot Panther Academy students only. Please contact Mrs. Rowe at if you have any questions.
2022 Homecoming Spirit Week
The Spirit Week Days and Activities will be revealed on Monday, October 3rd.