District Working On Adjustments To Bus Routes
August 19, 2015

The Cabot School District Transportation Department along with Dr. Tony Thurman have been working diligently to balance bus loads to help alleviate routes close to capacity.
We are continuing to make adjustments to routes. Several existing routes were changed on Tuesday.
*We are adding a new route beginning Thursday, August 20th, to assist with three routes that are close to capacity.
*Students affected by this bus change will receive a letter from their current driver Wednesday afternoon.
Please email Transportation Director Roger Tonnessen (roger.tonnessen@cps.k12.ar.us) and copy Superintendent Dr. Thurman (tony.thurman@cps.k12.ar.us) if you have concerns with a bus being overcrowded.
You can also call the Transportation Department with any concerns at 501-743-3531. We will continue to monitor routes and capacity and make adjustments as needed.
We are currently transporting over 4,700 students every morning and afternoon on 92 routes. We appreciate your patience as we continue to make route adjustments.