Transportation Call Center Available Monday, August 22, 2022
August 22, 2022

The Cabot School District is once again opening up a call center to immediately help parents with transportation questions.
The Transportation Call Center will be available beginning Monday, August 22nd beginning at 3:00 p.m. The number for parents to call is 501-743-3531. District employees will be on stand-by to help answer questions about a child's bus transportation.
The Cabot School District Transportation Department handles over 100 school bus routes and transports more than 5,000 students every day. The call center will help alleviate the high volume of calls received each afternoon during the first few days of school.
Parents, please remember due to traffic the first week of school, buses may be delayed. Afternoon buses can run 45 minutes to 1 hour late as students learn the procedures and routes.
If you are in need of bus stop information, please click on the bus icon at the top of our district homepage, Bus stop information is also available on our free Cabot Public Schools app. If you have any questions regarding your bus stop, please contact transportation at 501-743-3531.
Thank you to all our parents and patrons for their patience and understanding as we work together to have a successful start to the school year!
Remember, another way to stay up-to-date with your student’s bus is to enroll in text message alerts. Below are the instructions on how to enroll and the pin codes for each bus. You must enroll to get these text messages. (FYI: If you signed up for text alerts last year, you will need to do it again this year! This is a new system.)