2022-2023 Back to School Schedule
July 19, 2022

The 2022-2023 Back to School Schedule for all elementary schools, Cabot Learning Academy, Cabot Middle School North, Cabot Middle School South, Cabot Junior High North, Cabot Junior High South, Cabot Freshman Academy, Cabot High School, Cabot Panther Academy, and Pre-K is now available.
The schedule includes dates and times for open houses, schedule releases, new student orientation, and teacher postcards.
Teacher postcards for elementary and middle school students should be received no later than Tuesday, August 16. The reason postcards are mailed out so close to Open House (August 18th) is to make sure teacher and student assignments are correct. We often have last minute changes due to enrollment.
We appreciate your patience. We know everyone is excited to find out their teacher assignment and schedule their open house appointment!
Just a reminder, HAC will not open and schedules will not be available until the dates and times below. HAC is closed right now and will only open at the exact dates and times listed.
In the event you have forgotten your information, go to the HAC website and click on “Forgot Password” to reset it.
Check out the schedule below or click HERE for a closer look.