Power Panthers - February 11, 2022
February 21, 2022
Our final group of amazing Power Panthers was introduced at the February 11, 2022 basketball game.
“Power Panthers” is a student recognition program sponsored by the Cabot Panther Foundation and the Cabot School District. The program honors students in the third through sixth grades who have demonstrated the power and motivation to improve or excel in academics, behavior, or citizenship.
Students receiving this honor are nominated by a building administrator or staff member. Every Power Panther receives tickets to attend the basketball game, a Power Panther t-shirt, and coupons for the concession stand.
Before being recognized on the basketball court, students gathered in the Fine Arts Auditorium to hear from Assistant Superintendent Michael Byrd. Mr. Byrd welcomed students and parents.
Cabot High School Automotive Technology teacher Bill McReynolds spoke to our Power Panthers along with his students Timothy Osgood and Kylie Bottoms. They spoke about their program and encouraged students to work hard and one day consider joining the program.
Cabot High School and Cabot Freshman Academy Forensics teacher and coach Tiffany Tucker, as well as her students Aidan Gray, Emily Armstrong, and Alexis Childs also spoke about their program and talked to our Power Panthers about what it takes to be a good student and to be a member of the forensics team.
We are very proud of this great group of students. Congratulations and go “Power Panthers!”
A special thank you to Owen Orthodontics for sponsoring our Power Panther t-shirts!