District Back To School Meeting
August 11, 2015

Hundreds of teachers filled the Cabot High School Auditorium for the district “Back to School” meeting Tuesday. Teachers, faculty and staff were treated to breakfast provided by First Security Bank.
Afterwards, they were entertained by Superintendent Dr. Tony Thurman who presented the meeting in a talk show format, “The Early Show with Tony Thurman.” With Assistant Superintendent Dr. Tammy Tucker by his side, guests included Steve Jackson with the Cabot Panther Foundation, Personnel Director Lisa Baker, School Board President Donna Nash, Mayor Bill Cypert, Pam Sowell with the Cabot Teachers Association, Allison Greenwood with the Arkansas State Teachers Association and Kim Usery with the Cabot Scholarship Foundation.
Teachers also participated in a game called Whispers where they had to read their partners lips to decipher phrases. Two new staff members with Ward Central Elementary came out on top winning a free lunch for their school provided by board members. Several school board members were in attendance.
After all the fun and games it was time to get down to business. Dr. Thurman presented the district goals for the 2015-2016 school year, reviewed expectations and encouraged educators as they headed back into the classroom.
We are looking forward to a great school year and can't wait to see our students back in the classroom, Monday, August 17th!