Five Cabot Elementary Schools Receive $167,150 In Reward Funds
November 8, 2021
The Cabot School District is extremely proud of our students, teachers, and staff for being awarded $167,150 in Recognition Program Funds from the Arkansas Department of Education.
Five of our elementary schools received rewards for achieving high student performance and student academic growth.
Top 6%-10% Performance Award
Magness Creek Elementary - $16,050.00
Mountain Springs Elementary - $23,650.00
Top 5% Growth/Grad
Stagecoach Elementary - $49,100.00
Westside Elementary - $32,900.00
Top 6%-10% Growth/Grad
Mountain Springs Elementary - $23,650.00
Ward Central Elementary - $21,800.00
*Mountain Springs received two rewards in growth and performance totaling $47,300
GRAND TOTAL: $167,150
We applaud our students and staff at Magness Creek Elementary, Mountain Springs Elementary, Stagecoach Elementary, Westside Elementary, and Ward Central Elementary for this great achievement. This is a tremendous acknowledgement to all their hard work and dedication.
A committee will determine how to use the funds. In the past, the district has focused on purchasing additional technology, educational equipment, and materials.