2021-2022 Back To School Schedule & Important Information
July 22, 2021

The 2021-2022 Back to School schedule for all elementary schools, Cabot Learning Academy, Cabot Middle School North, Cabot Middle School South, Cabot Junior High North, Cabot Junior High South, Cabot Freshman Academy, ACE, 7-12 Digital Students, Cabot High School, and Pre-K.
*Please Note – Events are subject to change. We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation. Any new guidelines directed by the AR Health Department & AR Department of Education may affect the Back to School schedule.
The schedule includes information on Open House, Schedule Releases, New Student Orientation, and Teacher Postcards.
Check out the schedule below or click HERE for a closer look.
*First Day of School:
The first day of school for all K-12 students is Monday, August 16th.
We will NOT be phasing in students over a two-day period like we did last year.
*Flex Friday:
There will be NO Flex Friday this year.
We will be on regular schedule.
*Teacher Assignment Postcards - UPDATE!
We have some exciting news! K-6 postcards were delivered to the post office Friday afternoon, August 6th. HOWEVER, we’ve been told due to processing time, parents may not receive them now until Monday or most likely Tuesday. If you do not receive your postcard by Wednesday, August 11th, contact your school.
*Please do not call your school on Tuesday as originally stated. Please wait until Wednesday.
The reason postcards are mailed out so close to Open House is to make sure teacher and student assignments are correct. We often have last minute changes due to enrollment.
Thank you again for your patience. We know everyone is excited to find out their teacher assignment and schedule their open house appointment!
*Open House – August 12th:
K-6 Open House will be by appointment only. Your teacher postcard will have a link to schedule a time through Signup Genius.
Secondary Open House is from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. You can come anytime during that timeframe. You will not schedule an appointment time.
*Online Schedule Release:
*SECONDARY (7-12) STUDENTS: You will access your schedule online using your HAC login and password. In the event you have forgotten your information, go to the HAC website and click on “Forgot Password” to reset it. You can reset your password now even though schedules are not available yet.
*Should you have any issues, please contact your school directly.
*If a student needs to make a schedule change, contact your school counselor.
*ACE/7-12 Digital Students – Your schedules will be available at Open House.
The Cabot School District is excited to announce there is NO Supply Fee for K-6 students. The district will be providing the basic supplies. However, we are still asking parents to purchase a $10 Class T-shirt. You can pay for your shirt at Open House or online now at https://cabot.revtrak.net/
Please Note: There is a service fee for paying online. Also, you will not type in a teacher’s name, just your student’s first and last name, and shirt size.
Secondary Supply Lists can be found HERE.
*Free Breakfast & Lunch Extended:
The Cabot School District is pleased to announce that breakfast and lunch will once again be served to all students (7th-12th digital included) at NO CHARGE during the 2021-2022 school year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has extended meal benefits to all students at this time. For more information, click HERE.
Pre-K Information:
The first day of school for Pre-K students is Tuesday, August 17th.
Parent Open House/Orientation Conference will be scheduled for either August 12th or August 16th. Each family will meet with their child’s teacher on one of these days. Pre-K teachers will call parents in advance to schedule the date and time for your conference.
Parents should receive class placement letter no later than Monday, August 9th. These letters will include the name of your child’s teacher as well as information on beginning of the year activities.
Pre-K has no supply fee but we ask families to send a backpack with their child and a lunch box if they are bringing their lunch from home.
Pre-K daily times are 7:50 a.m. – 3:20 p.m.
Doors open at 7:30 a.m. for drop-off.