April School Board Recognitions 2015
April 22, 2015

April 22nd, 2015
The best of the best were recognized at the April school board meeting.
National Merit Finalists
The National Merit Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships that began in 1955. High school students enter this program by taking the Preliminary SAT and by meeting published program entry and participation requirements.
There are around 1.5 million students that participate in this exam every year, of those students; about 16,000 have scores which qualify them as semifinalists. These semifinalists must achieve a corresponding score on the SAT (at least a 1960) and go through a lengthy application process. Once these applications have been received, 15,000 of the original semifinalists will achieve finalist status. We are very excited to announce Cabot High School has 11 National Merit Finalists in the class of 2015.
These students were honored with a certificate and a sliver and black cord for them to wear during graduation ceremony. The cord denotes their achievement as a National Merit Finalist.
Robert Andrews, Maxim Applegate, Payton Binns, Olivia Fredricks, Caitlin Harty, Rachel Hunt, Annalise Jirik, Jon Dale Nichols, Sooyoung Matthews, Alexis Weeks and Vanessa Weidling
Not pictured: Robert Andrews, Maxim Applegate, Sooyoung Matthews, Alexis Weeks and
Vanessa Weidling
Arkansas Times Academic All-Stars
Two of our National Merit Finalists, Maxim Applegate and Alexis Weeks, were also named Arkansas Times Academic All-Stars. They are two out of 20 in the state to receive this recognition and honor from the Arkansas Times publication.
James Fuller – Book Author
The school board also recognized James Fuller. Mr. Fuller is a long-time employee of the Cabot School District and is now a published author. His book is titled, “Train Them Up The Way They Should Go.” Mr. Fuller is 82-years-old and still going strong. Congratulations Mr. Fuller!