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Child Safety Poster Contest

May 1, 2012


An award ceremony was held on April 24th at the Attorney General's Office in Little Rock to recognize the Attorney General's 2012 Child Safety Poster Contest Winners. 

Pictured in the attached pictures are:  Attorney General Justin McDaniel, 1st place winner Alex Kraus (Westside Elementary), 2nd place Andrew Lauland (Westside Elementary) and 3rd place Lucy Lander (Westside Elementary). 


This year's contest theme was, "Bring Our Missing Children Home", which encouraged students to learn how to identify danger and defend themselves in an enjoyable and non-threatening way. 

Also, the picture with the posters has the students Art teacher Brianna Petterson.

May is Child-Safety Month in Arkansas, which includes the observance of National Missing Children's Day on May 25th.  Student's art work was submitted in December and the winning posters were announced at a ceremony April 24, 2012 at the Attorney General, Dustin McDaniels' office.

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The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
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