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Cabot Classic Brings Hundreds To CHS

February 4, 2015

February 4, 2015

This past weekend (Jan. 30 & 31) Cabot High School hosted the annual Cabot Classic Forensics & Debate tournament for grades 7 through 12.  More than 900 students competed in this tournament in debate, public speaking, interpretation, and acting events.

Started in 1993, the Cabot Classic began with just 7 schools and less than 150 students competing. Now, Cabot Classic is one of the biggest tournaments in the state, hosting a grand total of 29 schools from all over Arkansas.

Cabot High School Forensics and Debate students do not compete in this event; rather, they are in charge of running every aspect of the tournament. They accept and confirm entries, run the concession stand in the cafeteria, accept ballots, assign judges to rooms, manage the official timekeepers, and even officiate the awards assembly at the end of the tournament.

The three junior highs in Cabot do get to compete. However, they are not only competing against each other, they are also competing against high schools. Of the 29 schools competing, only 5 are classified as Junior High! Numerous students from CFA, CJHN and CJHS advanced to semifinals in their events, and some even advanced to finals!

Many community members and alumni played an active role, volunteering to serve in the cafeteria and judges lounge, or coming in as guest judges. The Cabot Forensics & Debate program is very grateful to all those who gave of their time to assist with this ambitious endeavor!

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The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."