Cabot Public Schools Hiring Custodial Substitutes
January 23, 2015

Jan. 23rd, 2015
Cabot Public Schools is hiring custodial substitutes with an opportunity for full-time positions. Benefits include flexible hours and good pay.
If you're interested, an information session will be held at the Cabot School District Warehouse (310 G.P. Murrell, Cabot, AR 72023) at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, January 29th.
A representative from Kelly Services will be at the meeting to answer any questions including application process, pay, etc.
For more information, please call Rita Stewart at 501-743-3560.
Go down North Second Street
Pass the new Harp's grocery store
Turn right onto Commerce (right pass North Cabot Medical Clinic)
You'll see the Armory on your left but you'll veer right
Cabot School District Warehouse will be on the right