Elementary Quiz Bowl Tournament 2015
January 23, 2015

January 23rd, 2015
Nearly 100 Cabot 4th graders in the Gifted and Talented Program participated in the annual Quiz Bowl Tournament. The tournament was held Friday, January 23rd, at First Baptist Church in Cabot.
Sixteen teams, each coached by a Cabot High School student took part in the academic competition. Competitors were tested in areas including math, science, vocabulary, spelling, literature, trivia, sports and geography.
The top four teams played in the finals and then the top two teams competed to see who would take home the title.
It came down to the Scorpions and the Tarantulas and in the end the Scorpions pulled off the victory.
Congratulations 1st Place Scorpions:
Coach: Vanessa Weidling
Captain: Jackson Tucker
Breelyn Wilson
Matthew Abernathy
Angel Dunkin
Dylan Eckard
Kyler Gaines
Tarantulas 2nd Place:
Coach: Sammie Long
Captain: Emma Grace Kline
Jagger O'Dell|
Allison Sicard|
Cameron Merritt
Moira Haslip
Bryce Theobald
Kendal LeQuieu
Bulldogs 3rd Place:
Coach: John Gray
Captain: Peyton Dickerson
Jessica Carr
Brayden Yarbrough
Ella Speer
Will Clark
Tiara Hopper
A big congratulation goes out to all the teams that participated! You make us proud!
The G/T Program would also like to say a special thank you to First Baptist Church for their hospitality and all parents, families, community members, administrators, district employees and Cabot School Board members who attended the tournament.