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Cabot students taking on the “Hour of Code�

December 10, 2014

Dec. 10th, 2014

The nationwide “Hour of Code” kicked off this week and hundreds of Cabot students are participating in the event. The “Hour of Code” gives students the opportunity to try computer science for one hour.

Students in K-8 are taking part this week, December 8-12th. Last year, students in K-6 participated.

THV 11 visited Southside Elementary recently and sat in on a class of first graders that were learning to code. They were able to make objects on the computer move and come to life.

Julie Mahoney, an education technologist with Cabot schools says, “They are the inquisitive minds. They are the ones that soak it in and they can understand it all better than some of us older people.”

Click HERE to watch the video and story that aired on THV 11 about our great Cabot students.


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The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

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