Weather-Related School Closing Days
November 16, 2014

Nov. 16th, 2014
The Cabot School District wants to remind students, parents and patrons about weather-related school closing procedures.
Superintendent Dr. Tony Thurman will be up early Monday morning (Nov. 17th, 2014) personally checking road conditions beginning at 3:30 a.m.
The district utilizes a variety of communication tools to alert families of weather-related school closing days in the winter.
Our automated phone communication system, Facebook, Twitter, television outlets and the district website provide up-to-date information.
The mass phone communication system allows the Cabot School District to notify families by telephone when school has been canceled due to bad weather. When a decision is made in the evening, we attempt to notify families by 10 p.m.
When a decision is made in the morning, we want to notify families by 6 a.m. (which means families could receive a call as early as 5:15 a.m.) Our goal is to accommodate the many students and families that leave home early.
Parents can also follow the status of the district via our district Facebook page (Cabot Public School District) or Twitter (@cabotsd and @DrTCabot). Dr. Thurman is expected to post his first update on his twitter account at 4:00 a.m.. His tweets automatically post to our district facebook page and district twitter account as well.
The school district also notifies local television stations in the event of a closing and a banner is posted on the district website (