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Northside Elementary Fall Festival For Families

October 30, 2014

Oct. 30th, 2014

Hundreds of parents, students and teachers came together recently for a night of fun.  Northside Elementary held its Fall Festival Family Night Tuesday; all the activities focused on math and science.

Families each received pumpkins and had a chance to visit stations to weigh them, count the seeds and find out if they sink or float.  They also received pumpkin recipes, sampled pumpkin treats and did a little pumpkin painting.  Students even got a bag full of s'more ingredients to make at school or at home, of course, it included a science lesson.

The fall festival also included several guest readers and door prizes. Cabot Mayor Bill Cypert and School Resource Officer John Dodd attended.  Family nights are held twice every year at Northside Elementary. There is one in the fall and one in the spring.

Family nights encourage parental involvement while educating both students and parents about the education and activities offered at Northside.  Families have a chance to come out and give back to their school and get involved in activities.

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