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Buddy Benches

August 28, 2014

Northside Elementary has joined the nation-wide initiative to install Buddy Benches on elementary playgrounds (see

The buddy bench concept originated as a simple idea to eliminate loneliness and foster friendship on the playground.  With the addition of a buddy bench on both the K-1 playground and the 2-4 playground, Northside students are making quick connections at recess.


Northside Elementary would like to thank Home Depot of Cabot for donating the materials and Russ Stumpenhaus for constructing the benches.

Pictured seated from left to right: Mason Castleberry and Stone Stumpenhaus with counselor, Sara Stumpenhaus. Back from left to right: Craig Sanders and Tom McCutchen with the Home Depot.

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The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
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"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."