Staff and Faculty Retirement 2014
June 5, 2014

Cabot schools closed the 2014 school year with a district faculty and staff meeting on Thursday, June 5.
School board members honored the retiring faculty and staff by awarding them the traditional 'Cabot Schools Retirement Bell' as part of the meeting.
Those retiring from the district include: Glenda Braswell (11 years at Cabot, total service of 30 year), Bonnie Brooks (13.5 years at Cabot, total service of 22 years), Robert Taylor (19.5 years at Cabot, total service of 19.5 years), Paula Ferguson (22.5 years at Cabot, total service of 29.5 years), Virginia Claire Johnson (26 years at Cabot, total service of 40 years), Patricia Burns (10 years at Cabot, total service of 38 years), Janet Lowe (32.5 years at Cabot, total service of 34 years), Terry Smith (10 years at Cabot, total service of 29 years), Julie McCarroll (24.5 at Cabot, total service of 28.25 years), Laura Vaughn (22 years at Cabot, total service of 22 years), Sharon Roberson (39 years at Cabot, total service of 39 years), Sandra Anderson (25 years at Cabot, total service of 25 years), Valerie Stone (16 years at Cabot, total service of 33 years), Brenda Buffalo (14 years at Cabot, total service of 26 years), Belinda Chaney (29 years at Cabot, total service of 33.5 years), Brenda Frazier (26 years at Cabot, total service of 26 years), Michael Evans (17 years at Cabot, total service of 17 years), Pam Gray (22 years at Cabot, total service of 22 years), John Toney (5.5 years at Cabot, total service of 5.5 years), and Mary Wall (8 years at Cabot, total service of 9 years).
Thank you for your dedication to Cabot Schools.