Kindergarten Registration
April 2, 2012

Enrollment for the 2012-3013 Kindergarten Students will be held at your child's local elementary school
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
*Children who will turn five (5) years of age on or before August 1, 2012 should be enrolled.*
You should bring:
A copy of child's Social Security Card or you may request that the school district assign a nine digit number designated by the Arkansas Department of Education.
One of the following to verify the child's age: (Birth Certificate, Passport, Military ID, PREVIOUS school records; a statement by the local registrar or a county recorder certifying the child's date of birth; an attested baptismal certificate; or an affidavit of the state and place of birth by the child's parent or guardian)
Shot Records
Central (501) 743-3564 | Eastside (501) 743-3563 |
Magness Creek (501) 743-3565 | Mtn. Springs (501) 743-3575 |
Northside (501) 743-3568 | Southside (501) 743-3567 |
Stagecaoch (501) 743-3574 | Ward Central (501) 743-3569 |
Westside (501) 743-3566 |
Should you be unable to register at your local elementary school on April 24th, you may register, beginning April 25, at Cabot Public School's Central Administrative Office. (501) 843-3363.