Inspiration Run 2013
October 16, 2013

The Cabot Cruisers and the Cabot School District partnered for the Annual Inspiration Run, October 11. The event was a fun way to promote fitness.
Members of the Cabot Country Cruisers and district employees ran or biked 26.2 miles in one day, making stops at each district building to promote fitness to school yards full of cheering students and staff.
Over 80 runners and cyclist visited each school talking to students about making healthy choices. The Cruisers encouraged students to get outside and play, whether it be running, riding a bike, or just getting outside and playing games.
They also encouraged students to eat right and pick healthy snacks. In order to have the energy to play and be physically active, students have to make good food choices. This was the seventh year for this event and students enthusiastically welcomed the Cruisers by making and displaying posters of encouragement for the runners and cyclist.
Thank you to the Cabot Country Cruisers and others who participated in this race.